Provide healthcare to disadvantaged people in rural areas
Good health is such a blessing. We tend to take it for granted and only realise its value after it has gone. When health is taken away, good healthcare helps to restore it, thereby easing pain and suffering, Alhamdulillah. We also tend to take the solution for granted if it is always available.
Many of the poorest people in the world do not have healthcare. They live too far away and there is no ambulance coming to their village. Those who need it most, the sick and elderly, struggle the most to get it and often, it’s too expensive.
UK Islamic Mission has a remedy to help those in need with mobile healthcare camps in locations without hospitals or clinics.
£500 or £42 per month for a year
Lebanon (for Syrian Refugees), Myanmar and Bangladesh (for Rohingya Refugees), Pakistan, and India
You Will Provide
One mobile healthcare camp, offering basic healthcare to approximately 300 people living in rural areas and refugee camps. The camp can provide basic medication and refer patients to hospital in the case of an emergency
Sponsor a Minor Surgery (ENT, Renal)
Palestine, Lebanon (for Syrian Refugees), and Pakistan
You Will Provide
Due to lack of resources and long waiting list in Govt hospitals, people keep suffering pain. You can relieve their pain by sponsoring these minor surgeries.
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UK Registered Charity Since 1962
Charity Registration No. 250275