The world’s poorest people simply cannot afford to take water for granted; for these people, access to water is more of a dream than a reality.
Giving water as charity in Islam is a highly rewarding way to help your vulnerable brothers and sisters in need by paying Zakat to fund a water pump, water well or emergency water supplies.
of water in the world’s poorest regions is either distant, dirty - or both
children die from dirty water every day
per month can provide clean and safe water for thousands of children and refugees
hand pump will provide clean, safe, and free water for as many as ten families in a rural village
In the Western world, water comes out of a tap or a plastic bottle, but, importantly, it’s always available and accessible. It’s all too easy to take it for granted. But Alhamdulillah, we have cheap, clean and safe water.
Water is the most basic necessity of life - essential for purity, religion and dignity. We need water to drink, to wash, to clean our dishes, clothes, and more. Water is life.
However, for hundreds of thousands of people around the world, water is a scarce precious resource. The world’s poorest, most disadvantaged people cannot afford to take water for granted. For them, ready access to this most basic human need is little more than a dream.
The only water to be found is dirty, distant, or both. Those in the worst affected areas have no choice but to walk miles to the nearest water source every day or drink dirty, unsafe water.
Water is life, but for many, it is also death. Tragically, a child will die in the time that it takes you to read this - but things don’t have to be this way. There is no easier way to save lives than with the source of all life – water.
It is highly recommended to give water in Islam. Water is a blessing from Allah (SWT), and Islamic water funds allow us to actively work towards making this vital resource readily available across the world. Our water well Muslim charity appeal is just one way that you can support those in the greatest need and help us to continue reaching out to isolated, impoverished communities.
Wasting water is frowned upon in Islam; we should not waste this precious gift from Allah (SWT). Instead, we should share our own good fortune with our brothers and sisters around the world, whether it is by providing a water well for a Muslim community or paying Zakat to fund a water pump.
Donating to a Muslim charity like UK Islamic Mission to provide clean water will help you to attain closeness with Allah (SWT) as you help to share His blessings to those in need. Our water for life projects are also Zakat eligible.
Opening a water well is also an example of Sadaqah Jariyah, where your generosity will go on to help countless people long after the well has been built. Giving the gift of water can breathe new life into impoverished communities, helping to keep some of the most vulnerable, isolated people healthy and hopeful for a brighter future. Inshallah, you will continue to gain the rewards and blessings of your kind act of Sadaqah Jariyah for many years into the future.
Please consider donating what you can to provide life-saving water. Islam is all about supporting others and sharing good fortune with those in need, so whether it is Zakat, Sadaqah Jariyah, or just a general donation from the kindness of your heart, join our generous donors today.
Give the gift of water and save lives by donating to a water project with UK Islamic Mission.
Our current water for life projects include:
A steady supply of clean, safe water can make the world of difference to those who have previously had to go without. Join our donors and support this most important of causes today.
“We made from water every living thing.”
- Quran (21:30)
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UK Registered Charity Since 1962
Charity Registration No. 250275