Qurbani is a sacred act of worship in Islam. The ritual of Qurbani marks the great sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and the ultimate submission of his son, Ismail (AS). The believers offer Qurbani every year to revive the spirit of devotion presented by the esteemed Prophets.
The obligation of Qurbani is a matter of disagreement amongst scholars. Qurbani is compulsory according to Hanafi scholars, but others regard it as a highly recommended Sunnah. According to Hanafi Fiqh, the act of Qurbani is compulsory for all eligible Muslims. To be eligible for Qurbani, an individual should be:
It is common practice among Muslims to donate on behalf of someone else. This includes an individual’s Qurbani on behalf of his children or deceased parents. Many Muslims make an additional sacrifice to send rewards to their loved ones who have passed away. An extra Qurbani also helps in reaching out to more needy individuals in target areas.
In Muslim countries, people organise Qurbani themselves, which includes the purchase of the animal, arranging the slaughter and distribution of meat. However, this is not possible in the UK, as only licenced slaughterhouses are permitted to carry out the slaughter. For this reason, Muslims in the UK donate Qurbani money to charitable organisations that perform the sacrifice on their behalf.
Allah (SWT) has given clear guidelines about Qurbani meat in the Quran.
“……eat of them and feed the one who is content and the one who wishes to receive. Thus We have made them (the animals) subjugated to you, so that you may be grateful..” [22:36]
There are also various reports in hadith that provide instructions about Qurbani.
“Eat some, store some and give some in charity.” [Muslim 1971]
In light of Islamic guidance, Qurbani meat is normally split into three equal shares – one for the donor, one for friends and family and one for those in need.
UK Islamic Mission ensures your Qurbani meat is distributed according to the prescribed rules. You can donate your sacrifice to UKIM and our team will deliver it to the most vulnerable individuals in identified areas.
One Qurbani from the head of household is sufficient on behalf of everyone in the family. However, scholars encourage other individuals to perform a separate Qurbani if they can afford to do so. This is established from the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) who sacrificed a ram and said the following words before slaughter:
“In the name of Allah; O Allah, accept (this sacrifice) on behalf of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and the ummah of Muhammad.”
Abu Ayyub described Qurbani at the time of the Messenger (SAW) in the following words:
“A man would offer a sheep on behalf of himself and the members of his family, and they would eat some and feed others with some.”
To perform Qurbani on behalf of family members, one must form the intention of doing so. Without including them in the intention, their Qurbani would not be valid.
Qurbani must be offered during the days of Eid al-Adha, which are the 10th, 11th, and 12th of Dhul Hijjah. It is an annual practice established by the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). According to sound reports in hadith, the Prophet (SAW) offered Qurbani every year during his stay in Madina. Furthermore, he offered an additional Qurbani on behalf of his Ummah. This highlights the importance of Qurbani as an act of immense virtue. The believers are also encouraged to follow the Prophet’s (SAW) example and participate in Qurbani with sincere intention.
In view of Hanafi principles, Qurbani becomes compulsory when a person gains financial independence. Other prerequisites include the age of puberty and wealth equivalent to Nisab according to some scholars. It is also important that the individual has sufficient means to offer sacrifice at the required time.
You can make your Qurbani donation through UK Islamic Mission, which will ensure that the sacrifice is carried out in line with the teachings of Quran and hadith. You can make your payment by visiting our Qurbani page or our general donations page.
The team at UK Islamic Mission will provide you with updates about how your Qurbani donation is used. Your generosity can provide thousands of poor families with the gift of fresh meat. For many people, this might be the only meat-based meal they will have until the next Eid al-Adha. Donate your Qurbani to UKIM and help the less fortunate individuals enjoy the blessing of Eid this year.
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Charity Registration No. 250275