Umm-Al-Qura calendar

“Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muḥammad], al-Kawthar.

So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice [to Him alone].” [Al-Quran 108:1-2]

Allah (SWT) commands the Prophet (SAW) to offer sacrifice in the above verses. Qurbani is mentioned in many places in the Quran and hadith, which highlights its importance in a Muslim’s life.

How is Qurbani Performed?

Qurbani is an act of slaughtering a permissible animal to remember the ultimate sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It must be carried out during the days of Eid al-Adha in accordance with Qurbani rules. It is Sunnah to proclaim the greatness of Allah (SWT) at the time of slaughter:

Translation: “In the name of Allah, Allah is most great. O Allah, this is from You and to You.”

As mentioned in hadith, the Prophet (SAW) sacrificed a ram and said the following words before slaughter.

“In the name of Allah, O Allah accept (this sacrifice) from Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and the ummah of Muhammad.” [Muslim 1967]

When Should Qurbani Be Carried Out?

Qurbani must only be performed on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of Dhul-Hijjah. It is possible to arrange Qurbani in advance, but the sacrifice must not be carried out until the completion of the Eid prayer on the 10th Dhul Hijjah. Qurbani performed before the prayer is not considered valid. This explains the rationale behind the Sunnah of Eid al-Adha, which encourages Muslims to eat after the completion of Eid prayer. According to the report by a distinguished companion:

“The Messenger of Allah (SAW) did not go out on the day of (Eid) al-Fitr until he had eaten, and he did not eat on the day of (Eid) al-Adha until he came back, then he would eat from his sacrifice.” [Ahmad 22475]

Who is Eligible to Offer Qurbani?

Qurbani is either obligatory or highly recommended Sunnah according to different schools of thought. In Hanafi fiqh, every able Muslim who meets the following criteria must offer Qurbani:

  • The individual must be of sound mind;
  • an adult;
  • must not be travelling;
  • should be of independent means.

What is Qurbani Meat?

Qurbani meat refers to the animal that is sacrificed and distributed according to the recommended method. The sacrifice cannot be done by donating money to vulnerable people. However, Qurbani meat can be given to the less fortunate individuals who look forward to receiving it at the time of Eid al-Adha.

How to Distribute Qurbani Meat

Qurbani meat is traditionally divided into three parts. One part is kept by the person offering the sacrifice; the other is distributed to family and friends, and the third portion is given to the poor and needy. Qurbani meat distribution rules ensure enough donations are made to help poverty. Donations of slaughtered meat can satisfy the hunger of those going through starvation. Qurbani is a form of charity which provides vital food aid to families facing survival challenges.

Which Animals Are Eligible for Qurbani?

Only halal animals are eligible for Qurbani. When choosing animals, the required ages must be kept in mind. The prescribed age of animals for Qurbani is as follows:

  • Sheep – a minimum of one year old, although a six-month-old sheep may be eligible if the animal is big and healthy enough to resemble a year-old sheep.
  • Goats – a minimum of one year old.
  • Cows, bulls, and buffalo – a minimum of two years of age.
  • Camels – a minimum of five years of age.

If you purchase Qurbani animals before the date, it is important to ensure they are well-fed and properly looked after until Qurbani takes place. At the time of sacrifice, animals must be slaughtered quickly and painlessly to ensure they do not suffer needlessly.

Which Animals Are Not Eligible for Qurbani?

In addition to the above requirements, there are further conditions that determine the eligibility of an animal for sacrifice. Qurbani animals should not:

  • Be blind or have lost one or both eyes.
  • Be missing more than a third of an ear.
  • Be missing more than a third of their tail.
  • Have missing or damaged horns.
  • Be lame or unable to walk.
  • Be excessively thin.
  • Be missing the majority of their teeth.

The Number of Shares in Qurbani

Different Qurbani animals contain different shares. Small animals such as goats and sheep contain a single share, which means that the animal must be purchased by one person only. At the same time, large animals like cows, buffaloes, or camels contain seven shares. This means that up to seven people can contribute towards the cost of the animal to purchase their Qurbani shares.

You can learn more about Qurbani on our FAQs page. By offering sacrifice with UKIM, you can reach out to the most vulnerable people around the world. Donate your Qurbani to UK Islamic Mission this Eid al-Adha and give the joy of Eid to the less fortunate individuals this year.

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