Umm-Al-Qura calendar

“For every Ummah (religious community) We prescribed the act of sacrifice, so that they recite Allah’s name over the provision He gave them from the cattle. So, your God is One God. Therefore, to Him alone you must submit. And give good news to those who turn to Him with humbleness.” [Al-Quran 22:34]

Qurbani is a sacred act of worship, which requires a sincere intention and an understanding of the Qurbani rules in Islam. It is important to follow Islamic guidance while offering Qurbani, as ignoring certain rules can invalidate the sacrifice.

Qurbani Rules


Sincerity and obedience are the first conditions of the sacrifice. This is also implied in the story of the first known Qurbani at the time of Adam (AS) when his sons offered sacrifice. Allah (SWT) accepted the sacrifice from one of them and rejected it from the other.

“And recite to them the story of the two sons of Adam rightly: When both of them offered a sacrifice, it was accepted from one of them, and was not accepted from the other. He said, ‘I will kill you.’ He said, ‘Allah accepts only from the God-fearing’.” [Al-Quran 5:27]

Qurbani Rules for Husband and Wife 

According to the Qurbani rules for family, one Qurbani on behalf of the whole household is sufficient for everyone. This means if the husband offers Qurbani on behalf of his wife and children, it would be valid. A distinguished companion, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (RA), said:

“At the time of the Prophet (SAW), a man would sacrifice a sheep on behalf of himself and his household, and they would eat some and give some to others.” [Sahih al-Tirmidhi 1216] 

Qurbani Rules for Children 

According to the rules for performing Qurbani, only Muslims above the age of adolescence are obliged to offer sacrifice. This explains that children are not required to do Qurbani, but their parents can perform Qurbani on their behalf.

Qurbani Name Rules 

It is important to specify the person’s name on whose behalf the slaughter is being done. An individual can appoint another person to perform Qurbani on their behalf. However, at the time of Qurbani, the slaughterer should make an intention to do it on behalf of those participating in the sacrifice and mention their names.

Qurbani Distribution Rules 

Qurbani meat is divided into three parts for distribution in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. One part is kept by the person making the sacrifice, the second portion is gifted to friends, and the third part is distributed amongst people experiencing poverty and the needy. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: 

“So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor.” [22:28]

Qurbani Animal Rules 

The Qurbani animal should be a Halal animal permissible for slaughter in Islam. Another condition is that the person offering the sacrifice should have ownership of the Qurbani. Besides this, there are rules regarding the timing, age, and health of the sacrificial animal.


Qurbani must be offered between the Eid prayer on the first day and the sunset on the last day of Eid-al-Adha.

Age and shares:  

The minimum age for Qurbani animals is as follows: 

  • Camels must be at least five years old. 
  • Cattle must be at least two years old. 
  • Sheep must be at least one year old. 

It is important to note that large animals comprise seven shares, while small animals consist of one Qurbani share.


Another requirement is that the animal should be healthy and without obvious defects, such as blindness, limping or loss of limbs.

Give Qurbani with UKIM 

Give your Qurbani to UKIM and help vulnerable individuals in areas suffering from poverty and disaster. Out teams will ensure your sacrifice is performed in accordance with the necessary rules and the meat is distributed to those who deserve it most.

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